Welcome to Webpagesofease. This is an HTML primer for everyone.
It contains an introduction to Html, Css, Forms and Tables.
No previous knowledge of HTML is required.
The course requirements are:
OK just one thing before we delve into the html tags. We must take a quick look at the DOM -- The Document Object Model. It is best described as a group of objects: the browser window, your webpage, and the elements inside [ images, audio, video and text ]. These elements and their containers are related -- like a family tree and its how these elements are referenced in css, html and javascript.
Let's say you have an ordered list which contains 6 items. The items are the children of the ordered list and can be referred to as 1st child, 2nd child, 3rd child, 4th child and so on. Oh yess ... there are orphans and grandparents but we'll save that for another day.
Once any item is placed onto your webpage it is surrounded by layers. The innermost layer against your element [ an image in this case ] is called padding, the next layer is the margin and the outermost layer is the border. These layers vary in thickness and can be measured in pixels, ems, or percent. OK onto the HTML tags.